Texas Betony (Stachys coccinea), also known as Scarlet Betony or Scarlet Hedge-nettle, is a striking perennial herb in the mint family, distinguished by its vivid red, tubular flowers that bloom nearly year-round. Native to the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico, this hardy plant thrives in moist crevices of steep slopes and canyons. Its aromatic foliage and soft hairs give it a lush texture, while its continuous bloom cycle provides an excellent nectar source for hummingbirds. Ideal for shady gardens, Texas Betony works well as a groundcover, adding vibrant color and attracting pollinators to any landscape.
Scientific Name: Stachys coccinea
Origin: Western Texas to southern Arizona and adjacent Mexico
Height: Up to 3 feet
Spread: Moderate, spreading habit, groundcover
Light: Part Shade
Water: Medium
USDA Zones: Adapted to arid southwestern regions
Bloom Dates: January–November