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Bushy BluestemBushy Bluestem
Bushy BluestemBushy Bluestem
Bushy BluestemBushy Bluestem
Bushy BluestemBushy Bluestem
Bushy Bluestem
Bushy Bluestem
Bushy Bluestem
Bushy Bluestem

Bushy Bluestem


Andropogon glomeratus (Bushy Bluestem) is a striking perennial grass known for its feathery, cotton-like seed heads that catch the light in fall and winter. Commonly called Bushy Bluestem, this moisture-loving grass thrives in wet, low-lying areas and full sun. Reaching heights of 2 to 5 feet, its blue-green summer foliage turns coppery in winter, adding year-round interest to landscapes. The dense, fluffy racemes not only provide ornamental appeal but also serve as an important food source for granivorous birds and small mammals. Its sturdy stems and fibrous root system make it an excellent choice for erosion control in wetland gardens, roadside ditches, and prairie restorations. Additionally, Bushy Bluestem supports native pollinators and serves as a larval host for skippers and satyrs.

Scientific Name: Andropogon glomeratus
Origin: Southeastern U.S., extending to Central America and the West Indies
Height: 2-5 feet
Spread: 2-3 feet
Light: Full Sun
Water: High
USDA Zones: 6-10
Bloom Dates: August-November
Larval Host: Skippers, Satyrs

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